Naming and Releasing

October 15, 2017 | Exodus 2:1-10

On this Sunday, the congregation gathered at tables to engage the Biblical text together using these questions for reflection and conversation:

Introduce yourselves to one another using your first name.

Do you know what your name means?  Were you named for someone—family member, friend, someone famous?  Do you like your name?  What might you like to re-name yourself, or what have you re-named yourself?


Moses’ mother puts her precious son in a basket and places him in the Nile River.  She releases him into God’s care trusting that someone will rescue her boy and nurture this gift that God has given her.  She gives him over to God in order to save his life. Is there something in your life—a personal gift, a passion, a need, a dream—that you want to entrust to God and release into the care and nurture of others right now?


Pharoah’s daughter rescues this Hebrew baby from the waters of the Nile and raises and nurtures him as her own son.  She receives him into her life as a gift.  Is there some thing in your life, some cause, or some one that you might need to receive, care for and nurture right now?

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