Falcon Ridge, an original play written by David Gonzalez, explores life between 1800 and 1950 in a fictionalized rural, multi-racial community somewhere in Ulster County. Drawing from personal accounts and historical research compiled by scholars, family members, and local citizens, Mr. Gonzalez has conjured up a tale that encourages audiences to examine their fascinating and […]
Falcon Ridge, an original play written by David Gonzalez, explores life between 1800 and 1950 in a fictionalized rural, multi-racial community somewhere in Ulster County. Drawing from personal accounts and historical research compiled by scholars, family members, and local citizens, Mr. Gonzalez has conjured up a tale that encourages audiences to examine their fascinating and […]
A meditative experience at Old Dutch Church in partnership with O+ Join us for a healing sensory journey through light and sound featuring pipe organ compositions by Anton Faynberg and immersive visual projections by B.A. Miale. FREE EVENT ALL WELCOME
The Kingston Farmer's Market is held in Bethany Hall every other Saturday from 10am to 2pm throughout the winter. Market dates are January 14th and 28th, February 11th and 25th, March 11th and 25th, and April 8th and 22nd. Our resident vegan chef, Gabby, of Gab's Veg Table will be selling her delicious vegan grab […]
A meditative experience at Old Dutch Church in partnership with O+ Join us for a healing sensory journey through light and sound featuring pipe organ compositions by Anton Faynberg and immersive visual projections by B.A. Miale. FREE EVENT ALL WELCOME
A meditative experience at Old Dutch Church in partnership with O+ Join us for a healing sensory journey through light and sound featuring pipe organ compositions by Anton Faynberg and immersive visual projections by B.A. Miale. FREE EVENT ALL WELCOME
The Kingston Farmer's Market is held in Bethany Hall every other Saturday from 10am to 2pm throughout the winter. Market dates are January 14th and 28th, February 11th and 25th, March 11th and 25th, and April 8th and 22nd. Our resident vegan chef, Gabby, of Gab's Veg Table will be selling her delicious vegan grab […]